Speak directly to in-house experts located in Australia with a focus on the highest standard of support and response times.
RMT develop and support ChemAlert, FirstPriority, and Critical Insight which we deliver through Software as a Service (SaaS) in Tier IV facilities. RMT own and control the hardware we host on which is located within NEXTDC data centres, engineered and constructed to the highest global standards.
We’ve installed latest generation hardware with infrastructure redundancy that gives you high availability. We maintain a real-time replication of your data, staying within the same region but hosted in a geographically separate location, with standby equipment dedicated for disaster recovery events.
Types of Support
Your ChemAlert subscription gives you access to RMT’s team of experienced safety professionals, chemists, toxicologists and industrial hygienists who can provide advice on compliance requirements, hazard awareness, chemical handling, Dangerous Goods storage and segregation, PPE, spill response, disposal, environmental considerations and more.
Our technical experts are located in Australia and available during support hours to answer your platform-specific questions. We focus on delivering high standards of support and response times.
Consumer products are those packed for and used by household or office consumers, in the same quantity as would be expected to be used in a household or for office work. Under most jurisdictions, consumer products are exempt from requiring an SDS or to be listed on a Hazardous Chemicals Register.
Yes, in order to prepare a regulatory-compliant SDS we need to know the exact formulation (as much as possible). We will sign a non-disclosure agreement if required, and can advise what ingredients do not need to be disclosed on the SDS and/or ideal ingredient ranges to ensure the most appropriate classifications are displayed.
The ChemAlert Colour Rating system provides you with a visual indication of the hazard level a chemical represents for normal use.
- Green rated chemicals pose a Low level of hazard for normal use
- Amber rated chemicals pose a Moderate level of hazard for normal use
- Red rated chemicals pose a High level of hazard for normal use.
In ChemAlert, click on the Colour Rating to display a detailed Colour Rating Guide.
RMT develop and support ChemAlert and First Priority which we deliver through Software as a Service (SaaS) in Tier IV facilities. RMT own and control the hardware we host on which is located within NEXTDC data centres in Australia, engineered and constructed to the highest global standards.
We’ve installed latest generation hardware with infrastructure redundancy that gives you high availability. We maintain a real-time replication of your data, staying within the same region but hosted in a geographically separate location, with standby equipment dedicated for disaster recovery events.
The files are likely being blocked by the web browser and the web browser may need to be configured to allow the multiple downloads.
There are multiple good reasons why you should actively seek to include your own SDSs in the ChemAlert Library:
- Each SDS added to the library is verified by our in-house team of scientists. Any areas of concern are communicated back to you so you can improve your SDS.
- ChemAlert services the largest clients in all industry sectors. All of these clients require your SDS to be present in the Library before you can supply to them.
- Having your SDS present serves as a marketing opportunity when clients search for products.
SDSs are assessed independently by our team of Scientists. Each product is evaluated against parameters such as chemical ingredients, product form, potential routes of exposure, toxicity and chemical properties in order to assign an appropriate colour rating to the ChemAlert report.
The following criteria is considered when identifying the colour ratings:
- Chemical ingredients
- Product form (ie. solid, liquid, or gas)
- Product use and nature of application (ie. paint, spray, brush or roller applied)
- Potential route of exposure (ie. eye, respiratory, skin absorption, ingestion)
- Inherent toxicity of chemical ingredients (ie. physiological effects – acute and chronic, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity, reproductive effects – Additive and Synergistic effects are also taking into account)
- Irritancy and corrosive nature (ie. mild irritation versus corrosive damage, reversible or irreversible)
- Dose – Response (ie. concentration required to cause a toxic response – LD50; LCLo; TC50; TCLo, etc)
- Exposure Standard (ie. Time Weighted Average – TLV; STEL; IDLH)
- Chemical reactivity (ie. spontaneously explosive, radioactive, etc)
- Flammability (ie. flammable, non-flammable, combustible)
- Legislative requirements and Storage and transport requirements (ie. Poison Schedule classification, Dangerous Goods classification, Hazardous Substances classification).
A scale is adopted for each of these criteria. The information is then considered as to the level of hazard the product presents with handling.
ChemAlert SaaS is supported based on web browser type rather than specific client operating environment.
Web browsers:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
- Microsoft Edge
Raise a Ticket
Please lodge a support ticket by completing the form below. Please provide as many details as possible about your situation so we can provide fast, tailored advice.