SaaS Cloud
Trained in-house IT experts to support the application. 24/7/365 monitoring to maximise uptime. We perform the release installs and upgrades. We take on server hardware purchases, upgrades and maintenance. We ensure database and application maintenance is proactive. We focus on your security. We plan and test for disaster recovery and failover and we are on-hand during Technical Support Hours if you have a question or an issue.
RMT develop and support ChemAlert and First Priority which we deliver through Software as a Service (SaaS) in Tier IV facilities. RMT own and control the hardware we host on which is located within NEXTDC data centres in Australia, engineered and constructed to the highest global standards.
We’ve installed latest generation hardware with infrastructure redundancy that gives you high availability. We maintain a real-time replication of your data, staying within the same region but hosted in a geographically separate location, with standby equipment dedicated for disaster recovery events.
No. You are not required to provide your SDS to anyone other than your customers upon request. We provide the information to anyone who asks as a marketing benefit and as a way to reduce your client's total cost of ownership for acquiring and maintaining the product/s you are providing.
Product Obsolete: This means that the product is no longer manufactured, supplied, or distributed. For any product remaining on site, it is then acceptable to use the latest available SDS. If the product is brought back into circulation by the manufacturer, RMT will review the product's status on ChemAlert.
SDS Discontinued: This means the product is no longer classified as hazardous and the manufacturer is no longer supporting an SDS for the product.
Discontinued: This means that RMT is not currently maintaining the SDS, typically because despite repeated requests, we are unable to source an updated SDS for the product. An Alert will exist for the product outlining the reason(s) why it has been discontinued.
To minimise the inaccuracy of manufacturer's SDSs, RMT undertakes a rigorous process of validation against recognised national and international reference sources.
Each and every SDS is reviewed by a qualified RMT Scientific Services Advisor prior to inclusion in the ChemAlert Library.
The first aid information displayed on the majority of ChemAlert Research Reports is taken from the “Standard Statements” guide, Part 1 of Appendix E of the SUSMP. Click here to view the latest Poison Standard.
Certain chemicals require specific first aid advice. The toxicological properties, health effects and subsequent first aid treatment of these chemicals are researched using scientific, peer reviewed sources such as:
- RTECS – Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances, compiled by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services;
- HSDB – Hazardous Substances Data Bank, compiled by the National Library of Medicine, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Reprotox – information system developed by the Reproductive Toxicology Center for Clinicians, Scientists and Government Agencies;
- Reprotox – information system developed by the Reproductive Toxicology Center for Clinicians, Scientists and Government Agencies;
- Martindale – The Complete Drug Reference – Monographs, prepared by the editorial staff of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.
An example of a chemical which requires specific first aid instructions is hydrofluoric acid. Due to the nature of this chemical, there are very specific first aid instructions which must be adhered to in the event of an accident.
There are many SDSs from different countries. If a chemical is non-hazardous, an SDS is often not mandatory and so the importer may choose to use the international SDS to communicate additional information to the end user.
ChemAlert provides a global service and contains many local and international SDS. You can exclude SDSs from jurisdictions not relevant to you through Business Unit Preferences. Contact the ChemAlert Support team or phone +61 (0)8 9322 1711.
You are required to have the SDS for the specific product you use. The supplier details on the SDS should match the supplier details on the label of the product.
A ChemAlert report does not replace an SDS, it is an independent verification which is vital given the known error rate of SDS content:
- Instant visual indicators such as colour ratings, PPE icons, pictograms and DG diamonds
- Standardised formatting
- Translations into other languages
- Customisability to include sections that are important to you
- Additional product research by a team of qualified Scientists.
Consumer products are those packed for and used by household or office consumers, in the same quantity as would be expected to be used in a household or for office work. Under most jurisdictions, consumer products are exempt from requiring an SDS or to be listed on a Hazardous Chemicals Register.
The manufacturer or distributor of a hazardous chemical must prepare a Safety Data Sheet for any hazardous chemical to be supplied to a workplace. A substance is considered hazardous if it meets one of the following criteria:
- Has been classified as a hazardous substance by the manufacturer or importer in accordance with regional requirements.
- Is classified as hazardous according to the criteria of the Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS).
Only SDSs prepared according to the GHS will be accepted in many jurisdictions and regions.
Refer to detailed instructions available in ChemAlert Help > ChemAlert Stock > ChemAlert Stock Reports.
Refer to detailed instructions available in ChemAlert Help > ChemAlert Admin > ChemAlert Batch Reports.
When adding items to the Stock Register, the ChemAlert system automatically allocates a unique stock number. If you have a stock number you would prefer to use, you can choose to use this number when adding to the product, or by changing the details of the product through the Stock Register Item Properties screen.
In the Stock Register:
- Click on the product to open the Stock Register Item Properties screen
- Replace the Stock Number allocated with your site-specific stock or part number
- Click OK to save the change and return to the Stock Register Products window
- The change is saved immediately and shown in the Stock list.
RMT writes new SDSs for chemical manufacturers around the world. An RMT authored SDS is written to the highest standard and complies with the relevant legislative standards.
If you are interested in using our SDS Authoring Service, please call us on +61 (0)8 9322 1711 or contact us.
To add a new chemical product to the ChemAlert Library, simply email the manufacturer's SDS through to ChemAlert Support. You will receive an automated email with a ticket number to quote if you have any queries regarding the request. Alternatively, you can submit the SDS via ChemAlert's Request module. For more information on how to do this, please contact our Support team on +61 (0)8 9322 1711. Many organisations have internal procedures in place for the approval of new chemicals. Check internally with a supervisor or health and safety team to ensure you comply with your organisational processes.
ChemAlert access is maintained by Site Administrators in your company. Instructions are available in ChemAlert Help > ChemAlert Admin > Adding New Users to ChemAlert and ChemAlert Groups.
For Manufacturers, Suppliers, and Importers
We aim to complete each singular chemical addition request within one (1) working day. If you have several SDSs per request, it may take longer. We will let you know an estimated completion date for large requests where it may take longer than a week to complete.
For urgent request please mark your email request as ‘Urgent’, or call us on +61 (0)8 9322 1711 to speak directly to our Science team.
Yes, it is automatically added – unless you request otherwise – meaning your clients with ChemAlert access can immediately see it.
Yes, in order to prepare a regulatory-compliant SDS we need to know the exact formulation (as much as possible). We will sign a non-disclosure agreement if required, and can advise what ingredients do not need to be disclosed on the SDS and/or ideal ingredient ranges to ensure the most appropriate classifications are displayed.
Some jurisdictions, like the USA do not require all hazardous ingredients to be specified for the purpose of commercial-in-confidence trade secrets. Others, like Australia, require all hazardous ingredients to be listed and include ingredients that have an exposure standard with a concentration above 1%. To protect formulas, manufacturers are permitted to specify concentration ranges instead of exact percentages. However, it is best practice to be as precise as possible.
There are multiple good reasons why you should actively seek to include your own SDSs in the ChemAlert Library:
- Each SDS added to the library is verified by our in-house team of scientists. Any areas of concern are communicated back to you so you can improve your SDS.
- ChemAlert services the largest clients in all industry sectors. All of these clients require your SDS to be present in the Library before you can supply to them.
- Having your SDS present serves as a marketing opportunity when clients search for products.
To minimise the inaccuracy of manufacturer's SDSs, RMT undertakes a rigorous process of validation against recognised national and international reference sources.
Each and every SDS is reviewed by a qualified RMT Scientific Services Advisor prior to inclusion in the ChemAlert Library.
How Do I
The files are likely being blocked by the web browser and the web browser may need to be configured to allow the multiple downloads.
The 404 error is displayed whenever someone asks for a page or web link that is not available.
Common Resolutions Options:
- Check that your Internet is working (http://ismyinternetworking.com/);
- Check that your ChemAlert web address/web link/URL is correct;
- Add a forward trailing slash ‘/’ at the end of the web address e.g. https://chemalert.rmt.com.au/yourcompanyname/.
If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact ChemAlert Support.
The Error 403 is displayed when your access is forbidden to ChemAlert. ChemAlert is secured on the internet using an external IP address and/or username and password.
403 error messages are commonly displayed when your external IP address(es) have changed or have not been added to your Managed Access List.
Common Resolutions Options:
- Check that your internet is working (http://ismyinternetworking.com/);
- Contact your local IT team or your company’s ChemAlert business owner to confirm you are allowed to view ChemAlert from your location.
- If you believe you have received this message in error please contact ChemAlert Support.
The 401 authorization required or unauthorized error means that access cannot be granted to ChemAlert until you first log on with a valid username and password.
Common Resolutions Options:
- Check that your internet is working (http://ismyinternetworking.com/)
- Username and password security is case-sensitive, therefore please verify the credentials entered are correct
- Verify the ChemAlert web address/web link/URL that you are accessing is correct: https://chemalert.rmt.com.au/yourcompanyname/
- If you were previously able to access ChemAlert without requiring a username and password then it is likely that your IP address has changed. Contact your local IT team or your company’s ChemAlert business owner to confirm you are allowed to view ChemAlert from your location.
If you believe you have received this message in error please contact ChemAlert Support.
Your organisation’s ChemAlert administrator can assist with resetting the password. For SaaS proxy login, the ChemAlert Support team can assist with providing or resetting the credentials.
Useful Explanations
A Product Alert is a message from the Scientist who reviewed the Safety Data Sheet when it was added or updated on ChemAlert. Alerts are used to advise end users of potential issues with the SDS or explain significant discrepancies between the SDS and the ChemAlert Research Report.
Not all manufacturers have the resources or expertise available to issue comprehensive, legislatively compliant SDS for the products they manufacture. ChemAlert Research Reports are independently researched documents which provide additional information for products used on site, ensuring that maximum knowledge is available throughout the workplace when working with potentially hazardous or dangerous chemicals.
ChemAlert Research Reports detail information which may not be available on the manufacturer's SDS such as:
- Toxicological effects resulting from acute and/or chronic exposure to the product
- Toxicity data for the individual ingredients in the product
- Environmental impacts of the product to land, marine life and the atmosphere
- Exposure standards for ingredients in the product, in line with Workplace exposure standards for airborne contaminants.
ChemAlert Research Reports also include a unique colour rating system and images of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). These features ensure that simple and effective awareness of risks associated with a chemical product can be easily identified by all staff.
ChemAlert Research Reports are available in three standard formats:
- Summary Report: provides a brief overview of the product covering health hazards, first aid, precautions and PPE
- Extended Summary Report: Is a customisable (Business Unit Preferences) report that by default provides information such as synonyms, ingredients, health hazards, precautions, PPE, first aid, safe handling, emergency procedures, safe handling, and physical and chemical properties of the product
- Full Report: provides information for the product in accordance with the format outlined in the Code of Practice: Preparation of safety data sheets for hazardous chemicals.
When used in conjunction with the manufacturer's SDS, ChemAlert Research Reports are an excellent tool in helping to ensure that workplace risks are minimised.
SDSs are assessed independently by our team of Scientists. Each product is evaluated against parameters such as chemical ingredients, product form, potential routes of exposure, toxicity and chemical properties in order to assign an appropriate colour rating to the ChemAlert report.
The following criteria is considered when identifying the colour ratings:
- Chemical ingredients
- Product form (ie. solid, liquid, or gas)
- Product use and nature of application (ie. paint, spray, brush or roller applied)
- Potential route of exposure (ie. eye, respiratory, skin absorption, ingestion)
- Inherent toxicity of chemical ingredients (ie. physiological effects – acute and chronic, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity, reproductive effects – Additive and Synergistic effects are also taking into account)
- Irritancy and corrosive nature (ie. mild irritation versus corrosive damage, reversible or irreversible)
- Dose – Response (ie. concentration required to cause a toxic response – LD50; LCLo; TC50; TCLo, etc)
- Exposure Standard (ie. Time Weighted Average – TLV; STEL; IDLH)
- Chemical reactivity (ie. spontaneously explosive, radioactive, etc)
- Flammability (ie. flammable, non-flammable, combustible)
- Legislative requirements and Storage and transport requirements (ie. Poison Schedule classification, Dangerous Goods classification, Hazardous Substances classification).
A scale is adopted for each of these criteria. The information is then considered as to the level of hazard the product presents with handling.
The ChemAlert Colour Rating system provides you with a visual indication of the hazard level a chemical represents for normal use.
- Green rated chemicals pose a Low level of hazard for normal use
- Amber rated chemicals pose a Moderate level of hazard for normal use
- Red rated chemicals pose a High level of hazard for normal use.
In ChemAlert, click on the Colour Rating to display a detailed Colour Rating Guide.
Yes. A notification of an update to an SDS or a significant product classification change will be displayed on your ChemAlert homescreen. You can also receive a notification email of any changes.
You can modify your Interest Profile rules for notifications through the User Preferences page or via the Stock Location Properties page.
As part of your ChemAlert subscription you receive a defined number of free new Research Report additions per year. To check how many of free additions you have left and any fees thereafter applicable, please contact your Account Manager, ChemAlert Support or phone +61 (0)8 9322 1711.
Once an SDS is in the ChemAlert Library, RMT will take all reasonable measures to ensure that its currency is maintained. Each updated SDS is reviewed and validated by our qualified scientific team. There are five ways we ensure the ChemAlert Library is the most current and up to date library of Safety Data Sheets in market:
- We automate the acquisition of updated Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) from the suppliers that publish them on their website.
- Any SDS nearing five years since last review is identified, and our dedicated team of SDS Administrators will then attempt to source an updated SDS directly from the manufacturer by email or phone. If the manufacturer does not yet have an update, they will be asked to proactively notify RMT when it is available.
- We have a strong relationship with many suppliers who proactively send us their Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and value the independent review of our RMT scientists perform, advising them on improvements to the Safety Data Sheet.
- We author SDSs on behalf of thousands of manufacturers and in the process of updating their SDS documents, ChemAlert users get instant updates.
- Client feedback. If you receive an SDS that is more current than the one on ChemAlert, please forward it to our Support team by email or through the UPLOAD functionality in ChemAlert on the Product Details screen (Reports/Labels > Manufacturer SDS > Enquiry)
ChemAlert has a library with hundreds of thousands of the most up-to-date manufacturer Safety Data Sheets.
Access to the full library of Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) immediately commences with the subscription license. This ensures compliance with the regulations to provide SDS access to all employees that are potentially exposed to hazardous chemicals.
If a client requires an SDS that is not already there, we can add this to the library, usually within 24 hours of request.
RMT maintains and updates this SDS library. The SDS date is displayed in red text in the ChemAlert Stock Management module. If the SDS is out of date, this is also recorded along with any known reasons.
Users can search the library to find specific SDS and their current validity.
During Scientific Support Hours your ChemAlert subscription gives you access to RMT’s team of experienced safety professionals, chemists, toxicologists and industrial hygienists who can provide advice on hazard awareness, chemical handling, PPE, storage, spill response, disposal, environmental considerations, etc.
We also provide clients with expert advice in areas such as:
- Achieving compliance with relevant legislation;
- How the GHS affects SDS, chemical labelling and reporting requirements in your workplace;
- Dangerous Goods Segregation, signage and placarding requirements;
- Storage, handling and biological monitoring.
ChemAlert SaaS is supported based on web browser type rather than specific client operating environment.
Web browsers:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
- Microsoft Edge