FirstPriority migration for global food producer

A global dairy operation, with worksites across most continents, needed new and improved ways to consistently manage risk across its extensive supply chain.


As one of the world’s largest dairy operations, the organisation manages all aspects of the supply chain, from the farmers through to production, transport and distribution, across its international network.

High safety standards and outcomes were critical for the business’s operations. The challenge was finding a structured approach to manage incidents consistently across their global locations.


As one of the world’s largest dairy operations, the organisation manages all aspects of the supply chain, from the farmers through to production, transport and distribution, across its international network.

High safety standards and outcomes were critical for the business’s operations. The challenge was finding a structured approach to manage incidents consistently across their global locations.


Implemented in 2011 as a self-hosted client, FirstPriority (FP) became the organisations Risk and Incident management system, across all it worksites. This allowed for more consistent reporting of incidents and management of risk across all locations, and made it easier for worksites to undertake safety audits during the year.

As a self-hosted client with an outsourced IT, the organisation was using third parties without FP expertise to run upgrades and infrastructure maintenance, adding costs and complexity to version upgrades.

To make the process more seamless, and make better use of its growing data and insights in FirstPriority into risk and safety, the organisation undertook a migration to RMT’s SaaS in 2021.

The organisation now runs FirstPriority from NEXTDC data centres which are engineered and constructed to the highest global standards. As well as strong security, the migration has provided access to timely upgrades, and the reassurance of regular pen testing and structured disaster recovery planning.


  • Clear view and understanding of the specific risks across the global employee base and multiple worksites with different functions
  • Worksites undertake annual safety audits
  • Consistent reporting of any incidents across global worksites
  • Overall reduction ‘total recordable injury frequency rate’
  • Well managed software system with high-level security and disaster recovery protocols
Global Food Producer
A dark-themed box for ChemAlert by RMT, featuring chemical safety management software for companies with exacting standards. The lower half displays a blue, swirling abstract pattern resembling a chemical reaction or fluid dynamics.
A dark-themed poster with the RMT logo on the top left and a geometric design on the top right. Text in the center reads, "identify new and hidden risks across your organization with incredible speed and accuracy." Featuring "FirstPriority" enterprise risk management software, with glossy, spherical shapes in the background.
First Priority
Year Implemented